Managing Anxiety and Depression in Adolescence: The Importance of Self-Care and Seeking Professional Help

As a parent, seeing your adolescent struggle can really be difficult. You want them to live well and be happy, but sometimes life throws them a curveball. They feel as if they are just existing rather than truly living, and they may not even know why. Maybe it's genetics, maybe it's a traumatic experience, or maybe it’s the tremendous stress of being an adolescent.

Unfortunately, anxiety and depression are quite common in adolescents, but knowing the signs of these mental health struggles can help you determine when your adolescent might need some extra support. In this blog,  we will discuss what signs to look for, how to help your adolescent, and when it’s time to seek professional help. At Sharp Wellness our skilled team of therapists specializes in working with teens and adolescents who are struggling with anxiety and depression.

Young girl sitting in bed with her black cat as she struggles with depression and anxiety representing a teen who could benefit from Therapy for Teens and Adolescents in McKinney, TX.

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents

Adolescents can often experience the same symptoms that adults do when they are struggling with anxiety or depression. This may seem obvious, but it’s important to note that adolescents may display these symptoms differently than adults and in different ways. For instance,  they may be more irritable or quick to anger than adults. Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in adolescents:

  • Low energy

  • Lack of interest in activities that they used to enjoy

  • Changes in sleep patterns, such as sleeping too much or too little

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Isolating and avoiding social activities

  • Changes in appetite

  • Self-harm behaviors, such as cutting or burning their skin

  • Substance use, such as drinking alcohol or using drugs

  • Feelings of deep sadness or hopelessness

  • Often feeling irritable and lash out

  • Unable to tolerate stress

  • Risky or destructive behaviors either alone or with friends

  • Suicidal thoughts

All adolescents are unique and therefore, may exhibit different signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression. It’s important to watch for any changes in behavior that may indicate your adolescent is struggling. Take note of these changes and try talking to your adolescent about how they are feeling.

What Should I Be Looking For?

When you're the parent of an adolescent, it can be easy to overlook signs of anxiety and depression. They are going through many transitions and changes, and it can be hard to know what is normal teenage behavior and what may signal more serious issues. However here are some signs that may indicate that your teen is struggling emotionally:

When Your Child Experiences a Few of the Signs for an Extended Period

Parents should be worried when their child experiences a few of the signs for a consistent period of time. This can be two weeks or longer. Adolescents will often have days where they isolate, have low energy, or have low mood but if this has been consistently happening for an extended period of time, this is a red flag.

If There is Any Self Harm or Suicidal Ideation

If there is any self-harm or suicidal ideation, as a parent, you need to take immediate action. This is a serious sign of depression, and your adolescent may need professional help to cope. Do not ignore this, as it can be a sign that your adolescent is seriously struggling.

Young man sitting with his back against the wall with his head in his hands representing an adolescent struggling emotionally who could benefit from Therapy for Teens and Adolescents in Birmingham, AL.

How Can I Help My Adolescent?

When your adolescent is struggling, it can be hard to know how to help. Parents want to help but may not know what to do. Learning what to do can help parents become more confident in taking steps to support their adolescents. Here are some tips on how to support your adolescent when they’re struggling with anxiety and depression:

Be Vulnerable

However, parents should be open and honest with their teens. Sharing moments of vulnerability with them is key to connecting with your adolescent and showing that you are there for them. Parents can be honest about their own struggles to sometimes put themselves first.

Discuss Self-Care

Another thing you can do is discuss the benefits of self-care with them. Help your adolescent by creating a space for self-care in their schedule, and being aware of the pressures you yourself are putting on them. Also, help them be aware of the pressure they are putting on themselves.

Tips for When to Seek Professional Help

Parents may be tempted to try and handle any mental health issues on their own, but it’s important to know when it is best to seek outside help. People often come to therapy when they have hit crisis mode- and while that is necessary, it's even better to seek therapy before a crisis.

Parents can help support their child's mental and physical health by encouraging their adolescents to seek a support system that is beyond just them and their friends. Therapists can help adolescents learn coping skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Here are tips on beginning and maintaining their mental health than when to seek help:


Create space in their schedule, and make it a habit. Adolescents are insanely busy these days. But finding 20-30 minutes every day will increase the chances of maintaining their self-care.

Have Them Do Something They Love

Self-care is individualized. Not everyone feels rejuvenated in the same ways, so encourage your teen to do something they enjoy. For example, this could be listening to music, going for a jog, or painting. As long as it’s something they enjoy, it is a form of self-care.

Find Support

To keep your adolescent's self-care practices sustainable, have them rely on their support system. Help or encourage them to find people who engage in the same self-care activities so they can do them together sometimes, or even just talk it out.

Seek Help

When self-care is not helping and your teen has been showing symptoms for two weeks or more, it is time to seek professional help. Therapy can help with learning coping skills and meeting goals in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Talk to your adolescent about the benefits of therapy, and help them find a provider that is a good fit for them. Also, it is important to seek help outside of a crisis. This is because it helps to prevent the crisis from happening in the first place.

You just want to do the best for your teen and help them through their struggles. Remember, though, that you can’t do it all alone. Helping your adolescent seek therapeutic support and knowing the signs is a step in the right direction; the rest is up to you and your teen. Take the time to talk to them, be vulnerable and honest, and provide support where you can. This is one of the best gifts you can give your adolescent.

Happy teen standing in the sun with headphones and sunglasses representing someone who has overcome depression and anxiety through Therapy for Teens and Adolescents in McKinney, TX.

Begin Therapy for Teens and Adolescents in McKinney, TX, and in Birmingham, AL,

You just want the best for your child and want to know how to support them when they’re struggling with anxiety and depression. We at Sharp Wellness understand that and want to support you. Our therapists are experienced in providing evidence-based care to teens and adolescents in McKinney, TX, and Birmingham, AL.  Our counseling team is dedicated to helping teens and adolescents discover the skills they need to manage their mental health, create positive habits and relationships, and build self-worth, resilience, and confidence. If you are interested in beginning therapy:

  • Book an Appointment or Contact us at

  • Learn more about our services

  • Start supporting your adolescent today!

Other Therapy Services at Sharp Wellness

At Sharp Wellness, our therapists know there may be many struggles your adolescent is facing and we want to help. This is why we have locations in Birmingham, AL, and Mckinney, TX. To support you and your family. We offer trauma therapy, teen and adolescent therapy, individual counseling, marriage counseling, family counseling, LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy, EDMR Therapy, and Group Therapy. We also offer Couple's Intensives at our Mckinney, TX location.


Teenagers: Under Pressure


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