How Couples Therapy Can Strengthen Your Relationship in the New Year

Each year, couples who are looking to bring about positive change in their relationship may try to find ways to do so on their own. However, couples therapy can be an incredibly effective and beneficial way to strengthen your relationship in the New Year. Often, individuals and couples see couples therapy as a last resort. But when done correctly and with the right approach, couples therapy can be an incredibly powerful tool to strengthen and heal a relationship.

At Sharp Wellness, our skilled team of therapists have years of experience helping couples navigate the ups and downs of their relationships and are here to help you strengthen your bond.

Fireworks going off in the night sky representing the opportunities to improve your relationship in the new year with the help of Couples Therapy in Birmingham, AL.

You Can Learn How to Repair and Exit an Argument

It's not only in rom-coms that couples do not know how to deescalate and repair after an argument — it's often a common occurrence in relationships. Often, couples will escalate their argument and end up with feelings of being unheard, resentment, etc. Couples therapy can help by teaching clients how to end an argument in a calm and healthy manner.

You will even learn to head off arguments, by using humor, offering signs of appreciation, or making it clear you are on common ground. For example, you can use humor to defuse a tense situation. Or, you can take a break from the argument and come back to it later when both of you have cooled off. This way, instead of arguing about the same thing again and again, you will be able to talk about it productively and look for solutions.

You Can Learn to Soften Your Start-Up

You have more than likely had an argument that started out of the blue because one partner made a seemingly critical or contemptuous remark. With couples therapy, you can learn to bring up problems in a more gentle, softer way. This way, instead of reacting emotionally, you can engage in a real conversation about the problem and look for solutions.

For instance,  you can start out by asking a question instead of making an accusation. This way you will leave out the blame so that you can engage in a productive discussion. You will also be more likely to get a constructive response from your partner.

Find New Ways to Connect and Build Intimacy

Many couples become entrenched in routines and responsibilities. Couples may begin to take each other for granted and stop nurturing their relationship. For instance, you are used to doing the same things together, or one partner takes all the responsibilities of family life. Couples therapy can offer strategies for reconnecting on an emotional level. So you and your partner can rekindle the passion and intimacy you once had.

Your therapist may have you and your partner do activities and exercises designed for couples to reconnect. For example, you may be asked to focus on the positive in your partner or practice random acts of kindness. By engaging in activities like these, you and your partner can once again feel closer.

Couple cooking together in their kitchen representing the skills learned in Couples Therapy in Birmingham, AL that help improve their connection and communication.

Improve Your Communication Skills

Lack of communication or the right kind of communication can be one of the biggest issues that come up in couples therapy. The wrong kind of communication or the lack thereof can lead to misunderstandings, unmet expectations, and feelings of being unheard. One of the most common misconceptions couples therapists hear is that one partner believes the other should know what they want or need from them.

Couples counseling is an opportunity to help clients learn how to communicate openly and express their wants and needs. As you learn the necessary communication skills, you can expect to feel more connected to your partner and better able to work as a team. You will no longer expect your partner to read your mind and will be able to communicate effectively.

With the help of couples therapy, you can strengthen and repair your relationship.

Couples therapy isn't just a last resort for relationships in crisis

It can be a beneficial way to prevent future problems as well. By learning better communication techniques and strategies for reconnection, you and your partner can strengthen your relationship this year and in the years to come.  Together, you can move forward with a newfound understanding of each other and can become closer than ever.

Couple hugging and laughing as the sun sets behind them representing the strong relationship formed with the help of Couples Therapy in Birmingham, AL.

Begin Couples Therapy in Birmingham, AL

You and your partner can have the strengthened relationship you desire with the help of couples counseling. The skills you learn in therapy can help you for years to come. Dedicate this year to improving your relationship. At Sharp Wellness, our team of skilled therapists wants to help you and your partner better understand each other and build a stronger connection. If you are interested in beginning Couples Therapy:

  • Book an Appointment or Contact us at

  • Learn more about our services

  • Gain the skills you need to create a lasting relationship with your partner!

Other Therapy Services At Sharp Wellness

At Sharp Wellness, our therapists understand you and your partner may have more going on than just relationship issues. Our therapists offer a variety of therapy services to support you and your partner. We have a location in Birmingham, AL, and Mckinney, TX so that you can get the help you need close to home. Our therapy services include: Individual Counseling, Therapy for Teens and Adolescents, Couples and Marriage Counseling, Therapy for Trauma, Family Counseling, LGBTQIA+ Affirming Therapy, EDMR Therapy, Therapy for Anxiety, and Group Therapy. We also offer Couple's Intensives at our Mckinney, TX location.


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